Maxam Buffalo Skinner Knife


This knife has stainless steel blade and bone handler
Lenght: 10 3/4″
Blade Lenght: 6 1/8″
Blade widht max: 1 1/8″

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The Maxam Buffalo Skinner Knife is a specific knife model produced by Maxam, a company that offers a wide range of cutlery and kitchenware products. The Maxam Buffalo Skinner Knife is designed for hunting and outdoor use, specifically for skinning and dressing game animals.

A buffalo skinner knife is a specialized type of knife designed for the task of skinning large game animals, such as buffalo, deer, elk, and other similar-sized animals. These knives are commonly used by hunters, but they can also be utilized by professional skinners or anyone involved in field dressing and processing game meat.

The blade of a buffalo skinner knife is  made from high-quality stainless steel or carbon steel.

Knife, Sword & Blade